(Fr) 2 novembre 2015: Nouvelle embauche au bureau d’études
En savoir +September : ADI plant has a new look
En savoir +ADI new logo is now on the plant after a great cleaning of the wall.
30th of June, Daniel GIRARD goes to retire
En savoir +Daniel GIRARD, Co-founder of ADI in 2007, tooling expert in our business for more than 40 years, goes to retire after following a rich career of human relationships and technical innovations.
8 of June: A new Project Manager
En savoir +An experimented Project Manager, former employee of ATLANCIM, Olivier DHALLUIN, join ADI
1st of june: A new employee in the design office
En savoir +An experimented CAD designer specialized in blow molding tools join ADI
End of May : A baby break for Audrey
En savoir +Executive Assistant Audrey goes on maternity leave. Amélie replace her.
A little girl arrive the 5th of august
May: A new famous German customer
En savoir +ADI become a Daimler AG direct supplier with a HVAC prototype project
From the 28th of May to the 2nd of September, ADI at the Princess Rally
En savoir +During the 17th Princess Rally, ADI is sponsoring Herbie, a copy of the car from the movie “The Love Bug”. The logo of our society and number 53, so dear to Claude MARQUET, run across France from Paris to Saint-Tropez to finish at a respectable XX place
Congratulations to our 2 princesses Hélène and Astrid!!
When a company working on future vehicles accompanying vehicles of the past …
march : ADI reinforced its links with its main customer
En savoir +ADI is named as a Core supplier of Plastic Omnium Auto Inergy panel